Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Using Social Media - Fabio Jafet

Fabio Jafet believes that social media can be a valuable tool to use for promoting a product. He feels that developing a fan base that supports you and your product is very important. Fabio Jafet works in the entertainment industry, so he sees the way that musical artists use social media to promote themselves and their music.

Fabio Jafet

Many artists have Facebook and Twitter accounts that they use to connect with fans. These sites can also be used to keep fans updated about album releases and concert dates. Many artists use social media to help promote their image. Fabio Jafet knows that it is important for fans to feel connected to the musical artists that they support. Society demands information from celebrities. Social media is a tool that artists can use to manage the amount and content of that exposure.

Fabio Jafet has seen the positive impact that social media can have on a product. He personally promoted several of his projects including the full length band DVD he directed for Skid Row called "Under the Skin.” The DVD was a companion piece to the band's album "Thickskin.” He was able to use social media to get the word out about the project. Fans of Skid Row responded with positive praise. Fabio Jafet also used social media to raise awareness and enthusiasm about his documentary called "Waking Up Dead.” A lot of chatter on the internet surrounded his successful film. Fabio Jafet believes that fans will find other fans' opinions of things more relevant and real than fancy and slick marketing efforts. Fabio Jafet thinks that fans who blog or tweet really do a lot of work for the artists that they support. Fabio Jafet believes that social media will continue to expand and influence how projects and artists are viewed. He is an advocate for change and new technology and looks forward to seeing how social media will help to shape the future.

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